Sunday, November 27, 2016

Telnet into VSTARCAM T6835WIP PnP IP Network Camera

Given Mirai malware was interested in my vulnerability and found the password on a russian web site (thanks google translate).  If I can figure it out then the "bad guys" already have it.  Therefore I feel comfortable sharing so folks can actually do something about it (i.e. change the password)

login: root
password: 2011vsta

on a windows 10 machine, used Putty

Host name:
Connection type: Telnet
Port: 23

typing in busbox at the # lists available functions
use chpasswd to change password

# chpasswd (enter chpasswd at #)
root:newpassword (on blank line enter root:'newpassword'

should get response
Password for 'root' changed

hit enter and ignore the message
chpasswd: missing new password